DR ORLOWSKI: This paper reported on a retrospective analysis of the impact of bortezomib on the poor prognosis conferred by chromosome 13 deletion.
They examined data from the Phase II SUMMIT trial, which led to the first approval of bortezomib for third-line or later therapy, and the APEX trial, which led to approval of bortezomib for use in the second line or later. They showed that bortezomib seemed to overcome the adverse effects of the deletion of chromosome 13.
The APEX trial data are particularly nice in that regard because this trial had the control group with dexamethasone on one arm. The patients on that arm with deletion of chromosome 13 did more poorly than those without, as would be expected.
In the bortezomib arm, however, the patients with this deletion fared about the same as patients who did not have deletion of chromosome 13.
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