Antonio Palumbo et al. Prevention of thalidomide- and lenalidomide-associated thrombosis in myeloma. Leukemia 2008;22(2):414-23. Abstract


arrow DR JAKUBOWIAK: This is an important paper based on a good analysis of the available data. Dr Palumbo and colleagues concluded that there are two good primary preventive measures for thrombosis, or VTE. Essentially, they stratified patients based on a number of risk factors. If there is less than or equal to one risk factor, they believe aspirin is appropriate. For patients with more than one risk factor, they recommend low molecular weight heparin or full-dose anticoagulation with warfarin.

A few years ago we were surprised to learn that lenalidomidebased regimens were associated with an increased risk of clotting. Previously, it was an obvious risk for thalidomide combinations, and it may also be true for some bortezomib-based combinations, so stratification of patients is important. This paper provides some guidelines and will decrease morbidity. I adopted this stratification strategy in my practice, and subsequently I have never had a patient experience a DVT.

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