Marco Ladetto et al. Consolidation with bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone induces molecular remissions in autografted multiple myeloma patients. Proc ASH 2007. Abstract 530


arrow DR LONIAL: This trial evaluated VTD as consolidation therapy after an autologous transplant. They showed nicely that they were able to achieve molecular complete remissions (CRs) in about a quarter of the patients, which is something that has not been studied before. It’s a small study with encouraging data. In and of itself, however, I believe it’s food for thought more than anything else.

Personally, the way I’m starting to think about novel agents versus transplant is that a transplant can only take you so low in terms of minimal residual disease. I believe the new drugs can probably help you achieve a lower level of minimal residual disease. This trial certainly proves that point because melphalan alone wasn’t enough to get most of these patients to a molecular CR. They required VTD.

My questions are, did they even need the transplant? Could you do this with bortezomib and thalidomide or bortezomib and lenalidomide as induction?

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