Bart Barlogie et al. Incorporating bortezomib into up-front treatment for multiple myeloma: Early results of total therapy 3. Br J Haematol 2007;138(2):176-85. Abstract


arrow DR JAKUBOWIAK: Barlogie and colleagues from Little Rock believe that post-transplant management should include consolidation treatment, but not many people would agree.

I believe their paper in the British Journal of Haematology is important. In fact, I am using post-transplant bortezomib-based consolidation for patients with poor-prognosis disease because that can potentially extend progression-free survival and overall survival.

For patients with poor prognoses, there are no randomized trial data for bortezomib as maintenance therapy. So the recommendation for bortezomib is soft, and it comes from this Barlogie paper, which demonstrated that consolidation with a bortezomibbased regimen improves survival in patients with poor-prognosis cytogenetics. That’s the only information we have.

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